A 10-week transformative program focussing on healing the parts of you that are STUCK in fear, insecurity, self-doubt & comparison.
Healing & clearing your past emotional “baggage”, learning how to reparent your inner child & transforming your inner critic into your inner cheerleader.
And finally, building a strong, solid connection with your INNER LEADER, so you can make those bold, courageous moves towards the life of purpose you really want.
Marie - past BOUNDLESS client
“Boundless is an amazing program I would recommend to anyone. I signed up because I wanted to get to know myself better, grow as an individual, and leave patterns that weren't serving me in the past.
Kathleen has equipped me with many tools, some created specifically for my needs, to help me understand the different parts of me.
After completing Boundless, I have a new sense of trust within myself and my abilities.
Trust, that my opinions matter. Trust, that my feelings are valid. Trust, that everything will be okay, and that I am capable of living a beautiful life.
This has allowed me to be present much more, and worry less. I feel more at home within myself.
Kathleen is an extremely knowledgeable, kind, and truly amazing person.
I am grateful for this program, and that I heard about it when I did.
If you are considering signing up yourself, I would recommend you to go for it. Time and money spent on yourself is never wasted, and you will thank yourself in ten weeks time!”
Enrolments close 21st April.
Ready to learn more? Book in a free 30 minute connection call with Kathleen to chat more about the program. Please know this isn’t a sales call, we use this time to get to know eachother and i't’s an opportunity for you to learn more about yourself through a few coaching series questions, a space for you to ask all your questions about the program and what it’s like so that you can make an empowered decision about IF the program is the right fit for you or if it’s not right now.
Inside this program you will learn how to work with + heal your inner child, inner critic, ego + so many other parts of you that exist, that are keeping you stuck in places of insecurity, anxiety, fear, comparison and self-doubt.
I recorded a half-hour long podcast sharing more about this program below:
BOUNDLESS is a 10-week long HYBRID program (both group + 1:1 support).
Focussing on EVERYTHING thats holding you back from creating the purposeful life you dream of.
Together, we will begin the journey of doing the deeper inner work, to uncover the parts of you that are vulnerable, afraid, or sabotaging what you want, and teach you how to heal these parts of you to become your biggest allies, in creating the life you really want. Becoming your most authentic self, and living a purposeful life.
Discovering, understanding and accepting the beauty in who you are, whilst learning practical skills/tools to reprogram your mind with the belief systems that will support you in feeling a sense of belonging, worthiness and clarity within yourself, so you can move forward in creating life on your terms.
This program is for…
Anyone who has been feeling a deep sense of insecurity and doubt within themselves, where they are AT in life, their purpose, experiencing fears and anxieties that you either SPIRAL down or try to push aside and ignore (and both options leave you feeling STUCK).
This 10-week program is for those who want both group AND 1:1 support to bring your deepest fears and insecurities to light, and learn tools and practices to overcome them on a daily basis, so that you can create the purposeful, fulfilled life you really want.
Our fears and insecurities will never disappear entirely, AND they don’t need to rule your life or be responsible for the life you create.
Its my biggest passion in this world to help others become UNBOUND from their fears and insecurities, building a deep, solid foundation of self-worth, and a home within themselves, whilst learning how to constantly coach yourself out of your comfort zone, so you can GROW as a person and make things happen in your life FOR you.
We spend so much time avoiding our fears, shying from our limits, because of beliefs that you aren’t worthy of the life you want. That you have some fatal flaw that means you aren’t good enough. Inside this program we will work together to heal the parts of you that don’t believe they are worthy. We do this, by unravelling your fears. Re-building a kind, compassionate and loving relationship with all parts of yourself, so that your fears no longer control the life you are creating. YOU control the life you create with understanding, clarity and authenticity at the forefront.
Becoming Boundless
This program is about becoming BOUNDLESS.
Freeing yourself from the limits your past experiences, society, your parents and caregivers have created within you.
Freeing yourself from the criticism, insecurities and self-doubt you live your life with.
Freeing yourself from that feeling of being LOST and lacking direction + clarity for what you really WANT in your life.
BOUNDLESS relationships.
BOUNDLESS body image.
BOUNDLESS career/biz.
BOUNDLESS pleasure.
BOUNDLESS vision & purpose.
What does the journey look like?
We will go on an amazing journey through fear, learning authenticity, inner child & somatic work, learning how to safely feel and process your emotions, healing from your past so you can CREATE your most amazing future.
At the centre of this program is creating a solid foundation of self-worth, and trust that you have your own back even when you are experiencing the wildest things. Helping you to believe in YOU and your magic in this world again, so you can go out there and make shit happen in your career/business, relationships, health, inner world — your entire life is about to change.
What’s included in the 10 weeks/how does this work?
3 x 50 minute 1:1 calls
These calls are your 1:1 time with Kathleen to be taken through deep healings, practices and coaching you to work through your fears and insecurities, and design the life you want + the path to get there.
These can be booked in during Kathleen’s working hours which are (all in NZ time):
Tuesday/Wednesdays - 8am-9am & 11am-4pm.
Thursdays - 11am-730pm.
6 x 75 minute group calls
This is where the magic and connection happens. Each week we will be focussing on a different fear, OR a different area of life to become BOUNDLESS in. A mix of teachings, practices, q&a, live coaching, and of course, sharing, connecting and healing within the group.
These calls will be held at the time that’s best for the group, and will rotate between times if needed each week. Likely alternating between a weekday evening and a Saturday mid-morning NZ time.
Weekly Content & Practices
Created purely for the BUSIEST of schedules. 1 x 20-30min Weekly PODCAST style episode, focussing on learning and developing awareness on a specific topic + exercises inside. You can listen to these in the car, on the go, whenever you have space.
Weekly practices/meditations/reprogramming exercises - 5-10 minutes in length to be done a few times a week.
3 x Emotion Code Sessions
These are booked in with qualified practitioner Kelsey, the emotion code is a form of energy healing, clearing trapped emotions from the body, created from the past, directly from the subconscious mind, freeing up your reactions to certain triggers, allowing you to build a NEW foundational belief system.
The emotion code is an incredible modality and I am so excited to be able to offer it as a part of this program.
These sessions will be booked in with Kelsey, you have 2 hours split out over 3 sessions to use with her.
That’s right. After the program finishes, you can join in on the FREE Boundless ALUMNI monthly group coaching calls. These are 1 hour long calls where you can bring anything you are currently struggling with to the call for some live coaching + support AND a refreshing practice/exercise each month.